Devlog #8
At one point, I modelled a house to act as a central hub for the player, containing all the stations relevant to the game’s loop. While it looked nice, the scale was not right, and it ended up looking out of place as well as being troublesome to navigate. The rooms were way too tall for the scale of the game, and some places were inaccessible. This was very detrimental to the game’s overall atmosphere and just did not fit with the scale and theme.
I ended up having to model a new house from scratch as scaling the old one would not work. Remodelling the house also allowed me to make cleaner geometry and a better UV map, as well as waste less time with textures by leaving the walls blank and instead making a repeating pattern separately, then applying it in the game. This saved a lot of time and headaches, and the new house looked a lot more to scale with the rest of the game. It was smaller, but had just enough room to put the stations where they needed to be. Overall, a big improvement over the old house.
Get Magitopia
(WIP) A farming and foraging game where you brew potions to sell :)
Status | In development |
Author | AyumuTheDreamer |
Tags | Casual, Cute, Relaxing, Short, Singleplayer |
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